The year’s second newsletter, in June, somewhat briefly informs:
“The Gloom 7″ by The Cold.Once.Turning.Dust is finally ready since a month … additional delay was caused by communicational problems with the manufacturer…”
“Clop Neplat from Norge have finished the recording and mixing of their yet untitled debut CD. The material is promised to be in the vein of their earlier tapes, but a bit more varied and a lot heavier!” …with an expected release in the Autumn sometime.
Now that issue 5 was finally out and shipping… “the sixth issue of Hammer of Damnation is planned to be ready by Autumn. This year, of course 😉 ” […if only…]
There’s also a happy note indicating that some email problems had been solved. Around this time communication was increasingly moving to the digital domain and would soon affect the publication schedule of the printed newsletter.
Newsletter 2/1996 was xeroxed, black & white, 12 pages in A5 format, about 100-150 copies.
An Update Log, printed and mailed in July, announced:
“Hammer of Damnation issue 6 (2/96) to be published on 31st October, featuring (subject to change) Atrax Morgue, Sanctum, Clop Neplat and many others (black metal, too). The review section will begin with this issue (promos welcome), but everything cannot possibly be included.”